What does Emojis meaning on Snapchat: Things you must know

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Snapchat Emojis: Symbolise what

Do you know what does emojis meaning on snapchat and why it is important part of Snapchat? This is because snapchat emoji symbolise many different things about the different users such as hierarchy, friendship status and also type of connections to your friends. The snapchat emoji appears next to the username of the people. Here in this article we will discuss the meaning of emojis on snapchat or you can say detailed information about snapchat emoji meanings.

Why does Snapchat assign emojis?

One of the important fact about snapchat is that it is one of the most popular social media platform in the world. As there are many users of snapchat around the world, so for their users only it assign different emojis for example sunglasses emoji , yellow heart in Snapchat, etc to their different users. It assign Snapchat emoji on the basis of how the user is interacting with their friends or how active the user is with their friends on Snapchat.

List of Snapchat emojis with their meaning:

  • 💛 Yellow Heart: You are the #1 best friends with each other. Meaning, you send most snap to this user and that user, and that user send most snaps to you, then they will get yellow heart emoji.

  • ❤️ Red Heart: You have been #1 best friend with each other for two consecutive weeks. Those who will be besties of each other for two weeks will get a red heart emoji.

  • 💕 Tow Pink Hearts: When you have been #1 best friend with each other for two consecutive months, then you will get this two pink hearts emoji.

  • Gold Star: When someone other than you has replied to your friend’s snap in past 24 hours, then the user replied will get the gold Star emoji.

  • 😎 Sunglasses Face: One of your best friend is also one of their best friend. Meaning your best friend is also someone’s else best friend, this shows you are mutual best friends and they will get sunglasses face emoji.

  • 😊 Smiling Face: One of your best friend or another best friend of yours but not the #1 best friend. Your another best friend will get the smiling face emoji.

  • 👶 Baby: This baby emoji appears next to the person you just become friends with.

  • 😏 Smirking Face: When you are one of their best friend but they are not yours best friend. This means they send you lot of snaps but you don’t, than they will get the smirking face emoji.

  • 😬 Grimacing Face: When your #1 best friend is their #1 best friend. This means you and they send most snaps to same person, then they will get grimacing face emoji.

  • 🔥 Fire: A fire emoji appears when a snapstreak starts. Snapstreak means you have snapped someone everyday and they have snapped you back for three consecutive days, then they will get the fire emoji.

  • 💯 Hundred: When you snap back and forth with someone for 100 days, then hundred emoji appears next to the fire.

  • 🎂 Birthday Cake: When there is any friends birthday today then this birthday cake emoji will appear. But only appears when your friends birthday party feature is enabled in the settings option of the Snapchat app.

  • Hourglass: The hourglass emoji appears when your snapstreak is about to end.

Zodiac emojis meaning on Snapchat:

This zodiac emoji in the Snapchat gives you an idea of your friends birthday. This zodiac Snapchat emoji does not appears everyday, it only appears when your friend enters their birthday. You don’t have to keep any deep knowledge of astrology, it only gives you a rough idea of your friends birthday.

  • Aries: Mar 21 – Apr 19
  • Taurus: Apr 20 – May 20
  • Gemini: May 21 – Jun 20
  • Cancer: Jun 21 – Jul 22
  • Leo: Jun 23 – Aug 22
  • Virgo: Aug 23 – Sept 22
  • Libra: Sept 23 – Oct 22
  • Scorpio: Oct 23 – Nov 21
  • Sagittarius: Nov 22 – Dec 21
  • Capricorn: Dec 22 – Jan 19
  • Aquarius: Jan 20 – Feb 18
  • Pisces: Feb 19 – Mar 20

Meaning of icons in Snapchat:

the various icons in the Snapchat explain some additional details about the snaps. All these icons are shown below:

Emojis meaning on Snapchat
Emojis meaning on Snapchat
Emojis meaning on Snapchat
Emojis meaning on Snapchat
Emojis meaning on Snapchat
Image Credit: empjipedia

Snapchat emojis for chat status:

The users bitmoji appears as a chat status showing the recipient has returned to the chat or not. And when the recipient remains currently active, this changes to a blue dot.

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